Countless studies have proven there is a clear link between our mental and physical health. When life is challenging and our minds are not in good health, it has an impact on our bodies and vice versa.
The New Pathways Programme is an innovative three-stage training and coaching programme which uses this powerful link to help young people with chronic illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety, chronic pain and long covid.
Our Programme empowers them with the knowledge, coping strategies and techniques they need to get well and most importantly – stay well.
Many of the parents who come to us have given up hope of finding a ‘cure’ for their child’s chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety or pain. However, they are quickly impressed at the effectiveness of our Programme and how soon their child starts to feel better.
Here are just some of the benefits children and young people experience after taking part in the New Pathways Programme:
Happier, calmer and energised – feeling motivated to do more
Greater confidence and self-esteem – re-engaging with all the fun aspects of their life which have been put on hold like sports, hobbies and hanging out with friends
Improved focus and concentration – renewed enthusiasm and doing better at school, college or work
Greater resilience – learning to cope with pressure and stress, both now and in the future
See our Success stories page for uplifting stories of children and young people whose lives have been transformed by Steve.
The New Pathways Programme is effective because it addresses the root cause of many chronic illnesses – the chronic stress response.
The Programme is based on recent discoveries in neuroscience and brain plasticity which show that the brain is capable of creating healthy new connections between the mind and body.
Children and young people respond quickly and learn fast on the Programme as the prefrontal cortex part of their brain (where working memory is stored) is less developed than adults. It’s therefore more flexible and ready to create new positive pathways.
Importantly though, the Programme is easy to follow, simple to apply and fun to learn. Young people can begin to transform their wellbeing and their lives in just a matter of weeks.
Julia, mother to Hannah age 15
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